Pool Servicing Brisbane
Pool Blitz
Don’t wait! Call today on 1300 476 652 or email us sales@poolblitz.com.au
Pool Servicing Locations
We service pools all over Brisbane city and as we are now located in the inner city suburb of Bowen Hills, we can service pools from anywhere on the north and south sides of the city. We will travel as far north as North Lakes and we even service as far south as McGregor.
At Pool
Don’t wait for a Pool Service!
Call us today and we will aim to service your pool within 48 hours or less from receiving your phone call, don’t wait a week for your pool guy to show up, give us a call and see why we are called Pool Blitz.
Regular Pool Services
Our regular pool services include, weekly, fortnightly and monthly pool servicing. We also offer daily pool servicing for commercial clients so whether you have a small spa or a commercial pool we are only too happy to take care of your pool on a regular basis. If you are going away for a holiday ask about our special rates for holiday pool care.
One Off Pool Servicing
Is your pool a little off colour? Does your pool filter or pool pump have a minor leak, they say prevention is better than cure and when it comes to a healthy pool or spa it’s paramount not to wait too long to get your pool under control.
Don’t wait! Call today on 1300 476 652