Magna Pool Testimonials

Magna Pool Testimonials

The MagnaPool System is without a doubt the best investment I have made with regards to personal health and well-being. The absorption of magnesium through the skin has definitely lowered my stress level and allowed my everyday mood to be on an even keel. Along with the noticeable difference in your skin compared to normal pools I totally recommend this system. In today’s fast paced World this is an ideal way to improve your overall sense of health and well-being.

Steven Williams

Professional Golf Caddy to Tiger Woods and Adam Scott

The water saving was the big clincher for me. A MagnaPool can save up to 65% water over other pools because of reduced backwashing. Once diluted the water can also be used on your garden providing an excellent source of nutrients for your lawn and shrubs. I was also interested to learn that MagnaPool minerals do not contribute to salinity in the environment as they contain magnesium and potassium, rather than traditional pool salts. MagnaPool is certainly one of the most exciting innovations in the swimming pool industry and I’m sure when people want the best pool system in the market they will take the time to look into the many benefits of MagnaPool.

Lee Kernaghan

Country Singer, 2008 Australian of the Year & Australian National Tree Ambassador

If you would like more information about Magna Pool, contact us on 1300 476 652